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S No Particulars

Powers of

Authority Remarks
E-in-C C.E. S.E. E.E S.D.O
28 Permiting travelling allowances to be calculated by a route other than the shortest or cheapest provided that the journey is actually performed by such route. Full powers in regards to himself and officers subordinate for the journey with in his jurisdiction and that the selection of such routes is in the interest of Govt. Full powers in regard to officers subordinate to him for journeys with in hi jurisdiction and that the selection of such routes is in Govt interest. Full powers in regard to officers subordinate to him for journeys with in his jurisdiction and that selection of such route is in Govt interest. - - S.No 20 of Appendix II Part-II F.R Vol II. -
29 To sanction charges on account of the cost of carriage by rail of bicycle and camp equipments required on tour incurred by themselves and by the officers of their won department Full powers subject to the condition that cost of carriage of tents beyond those in the sanctioned scale is not allowed. Full powers subject to the condition detailed under the power of E-in-C. Full powers subject to the condition detailed under the power of E-in-C - - S.No 36 of Appendix-II Part-II F.R Vol.II -
30 To sanction charges on account of the cost of carriage by rail of a bicycle required on tour incurred by subordinates below the rank of S.D.O - - - Full Powers - S.No 36-A of Appendix-II Part-II F.R Vol.II -
31 Grant of T.A for journery to a Govt Servant under suspension to attend a departmental enquiry held against him. Full Powers in respet of those categories whose T.A bills, he is empowered to pass. Full powers in respect of those categories of whose T.A bills he is empowered to pass. Full powers in respect of those categories whose T.A bills he is empowered to pass. Full powers in respect of those cateogries whose T.A bills he is empowered to pass. - S.R 113 C below F.R 44. Subject to the condition the enquiry is held at the out station otherwise than on the request of the Government servant.
32 Grant of T.A for journeys to a Govt servant under suspension to peruse official record in the preparation of his defence in a D.E against him. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers - S.R 113 C below F.R 44. Subject to conditions that
  1. The enquiry officer certifies that the relevant records to be consulted are essential for preparation of D.E
  2. The controlling authority certifies that the official record could not be sent to the headquarter of Govt. Servant or due to bulk of the documents, rules out the possibility of copies to be made out and sent.
  3. Concerned head of the office certifies that the journey was performed with his consent.

Note : No allowance for halt journey or at the out station will be allowed and for journey the T.A will be limited to what would be admissible if the journey was performed from headquarters of the Govt.Servent, subject to the condition that the journey is performed under the direction. or with the approval of the head of the Deptt under whom he is serving.

33 Grant of daily allowance to an officer who halts at one place for more than 10 days. Powers to a limit of 30 days subject to conditions laid down in SR52 under FR 44. Powers up to a limit of 30 days subject to conditions laid down in SR 52 under FR 44. Powers upto limit of 30 days subject laid down in SR.52 under FR 44 Full powers to sanction daily allowance for halts exceeding 30 days for Amins. - - S.No 28 of Appendix-II Part II FR Vol-II S.R II. D.A for halts in excess of 10 days may be reduced at the discretion of the controlling authority according to the circumstances of each case.
34 To grant extension of joining time admissible by rule, provided the general spirit of the rules is observed subject to a maximum of thirty days and to the conditions of sub rule 5 of M.P. Civil Service (Joining Time) Rules 1982 to the officers and non-gazetted subordinates under their control. Full powers Full powers Full powers - - M.P. Finance Deptt Notification No 577-2660-81 R-1/IV dt 15-5-82. -
35 To permit the calculation of joining time by a route other than that which travellers ordinarily use. Full powers Full powers Full powers - - Sl no 92 of Appendix-II Part-II F.R Vol-II -
36 Grant of travelling allowance for special reaaons which should be recorded to an officer transferred at his own request or for misconduct. Full powers in respect of persons whom he can transfer Full powers in respect of persons whom he can transfer Full powers in respect of persons whom he can transfer - - S.R 79 under F.R 44 Appendix V to Vol II.F.R -
37 To allow the actual cost of a journey to appear before a medical board priliminary to voluntary retirement or invalid pension. Full powers not in excess of actual expenses incurred. Full powers in the case of officers subordinate to him but not in excess of actual expenses incurred. Full powers in the case of officers usbordinate to him but not in excess of actual expenses incurred. - - Sl no 42 of Appendix II, Part-II S.R 119 (F.R 44) FR.Vol II. -
38 To allow an officer to proceed on duty to any part of the territories of the State Govt. and to draw for the journey the travelling allowance admissible under the rules. Full powers in respect of officers subordinate to him. Full powers in respect of officers serving under him. Full powers in respect of officers for whom he is thecontrolling officer. Full powers in respect of officers for whom he is thecontrolling officer. - Note 3, below para 263 of Appendix XXV-C,F.R Vol.II -
39 To allow an officer/ official to undertake journey out of State with in India. Full powers of officers/official whose T.A bills are contersigned by him. Full powers in respect of officer/official whose T.A bills are countersigned by him. Full powers in respect of officer/official whose T.A bills are countersigned by him. - - M.P. Irrg Deptt order No.25/384/82/P/31 dt.28-3-83. These powers will be used by the counter signed officer with) his own discretion) He will send the quarterly return of such cases to his higher authority and his administrative Deptt in the form prescribed for this purpose.
40 To counter sign travelling allowance bills. Full powers in respect of his own bills & those of his office estt. Full powers in respect of his own bills and those of his office estt and also of S.Es. Full powers in respect of his office estt & ofSub-Divisional Offices. E.Es and gazetted officer under him. Full powres in respect of bills of subordinates other than S.D.Os and of office and other estt. - S.No 54 of Appendix-II FR Vol-II -
41 To permit a Govt Servant to draw daily allowance for halts during tour made on account of heavy rains, flood or sickness. Full powers upto a limit of five days in respect of Govt Servant whose travelling allowance bills are countersigned by him. Full powres upto a limit of five days in respect of Govt Servants whose travelling allowance bills are counter signed by him. Powers upto a limit of five days in respect of Govt servants whose travelling allowance bills are counter signed by him. Powers upto a limit of five days in respect of Govt servants whose travelling allowance bills are counter signed by him. - Sr No. 27 of Appendix II Part II FR Vol. II -
42 To decide whether a particular absence is absence from buty for the purpose of S.R 41, Appendix V. Full powers in respect of those Govt. servants whom he can appoint. Full powers in respect of those Govt Servant whom he can appoint. Full powers in respect of those Govt Servant whom he can appoint. - - Sl No 25 of Appendix-II F.R Vol-II. -
43 To improve restrictions on the frequency and duration of journeys. Full powers in respct of those Govt servants for whom he is the controlling officer. Full powers in respect of those Govt servants for whom he is the controloing officer. Full powers in respect of those Govt. servants for whom he is the controlling officer. - - Sl No. 26 of Appendix-II Part-II, F R Vol,II S.R. 43. -
44 To decide the shortest of two or more routes. Full powers for journeys within his jurisdiction. Full powers for journeys within his jurisdiction. Full powers for journeys within his jurisdiction. - - Sl No 18 of Appendix-II Part-II F.R Vol-II -
45 To permit an officer of a lower class than Grade 'A' to draw the actual cost of travelling if required by superior authority to travel by special means of conveyance, the cost of which exceeds the daily allowance or mileage allowance admissible to him under the rules in lieu of such daily or mileage allowance. Full powers in respect of Travelling Allowance bills passed by him. The bill for the actual cost must be supported by a certificate signed by superior authority. Full powers in respect of Travelling Allowance bills passed by him. The bil or the actual cost must be supported by a certificate signed by superior authority. Full powers in respect of Travelling Allowance bills passed by him. The bill for the Actual cost must be supported by a certificate signed by superior authority. Full powers in respect of Travelling Allowance bills passed by him. The bill for the actual cost must be supported by certificate signed by superior authority. - S.R 38 under F.R 14 Appendix-V to F.R Vol-II -
46 To grant Travelling Allowance to persons not in Govt Service, attending commission of enquiry etc. or performing public duties in an honorary capacity and to declare the grade to which such persons shall be considered to belong. Full powers provided that travelling allowance is not given at rates higher than grade 'C' rates & the rates of daily allowance does not exceed Rs.5 per diem. Full powers provided that Travelling allowance is not given at rates higher than grade 'C' rates and the rates of daily allowance does not exceed Rs 5 per diem. Full powers provided that Travelling allowance is not given at rates higher than grade 'C' rates and the rates of daily allowance does not exceed Rs.5 per diem. - - S.R 136 (a) under F.R 44 F.R Vol II -
47 To permit any Govt Servant to draw the actual cost of hiring conveyance on a journey for which no travelling allowance admissible under rules. Full powers in individual cases. Full powers in dividual cases. Full powers in individual cases. Full powers in respect of store keeper. - S.No 37-&37-1-A of Appendix C-II, part II F.R Vol.II -
48 Grant of T.A to the Assistant Engineers and classII officers and Sub-Engineers /Geological Assistant for whom compulsory departmental examination is prescribed. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers - S.R.92 below F.R .44 Admissible to the extent of 3 times to PWD. officers and 4 times to officer of the Irrig Deptt for the journeys to and from the place where the examinations are held subject to the condition that no T.A will be allowed after the expiry of the period fixed for passing the examination.
49 Grant of T.A to the works department clerks appearing at the examination qualifying for promotion to the superior clerkships which is an optional examination for them. Full powers once only. Full powers once only. Full powers once only. Full powers once only. - S.R 94 below F.R 44. T.A is admissible once which may be allowed as soon as the candidate secures a pass at leaset in one paper.