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S No Particulars

Powers of

Authority Remarks
E-in-C C.E. S.E. E.E S.D.O
15 Grant of advance to officers upto one month's pay plus travelling allowance to which he may be entitled under the relues in consequence of his transfer. Full powers in respect of his own office including himself. Full powers in respect of any officer in his deptt under him including himself. Full powers in respect of any officer in the deptt. under him including himself. Full powers in resepct of any officer in the deptt. under him including himself. - Para No 268 of M.P. Fin Code Vol-I. -
16 Grant of Bi-cycle advances. Full powers in respect of his office establishment Full powers of his office establishment. Full powers in respect of his office establishment and subordiates under him. - - Para 265 of Finance Code Subject to availability of Funds.
17 Grants of Grain Advances to Class IV Class III and Class II officers drawing pay up to Rs.1100/- Full powers in respect of his office establishment Full powers of his office establishment. Full powers in respect of his office establishment and subordiates under him. Full powers in respect of his office establishment andsubordinate under him - M.P.F.D Memo No E/3836/7205/82/IV. Subject to availability of Funds and renewals/issue of orders every years by Govt.
18 Grant of Festival Advance to non-Gazetted officials including Class-II officers drawaing pay up to Rs.1100/- Full powers in case of Class II officers and his office estt. Full powers in the case of class II officers and his office estt. Full powers in the case of Class-II officers and his office estt. Full powers in the case of Class-II officers and his office estt. - M.P.F.D No 1866/871/IV/R-7/60.date 21-9-60 and amendments issued by Govt from time to time -
19 Grant of T.A advances on tour and L.T.C advance Full powers in respect of himself and those of office estt. Full powers in respect of himself and those of his office estt and also S.Es. Full powers in respect of his office estt and gazetted officers under him. Full powers in respect of his office estt. excluing S.D.O's. - Para 271 of Finance Code Vol.I and F.D memo No 1342/CR/2554/IV-R-I/72, dt.17-11-72. -
20 Grant of advance from General Provident Fund for which special reasons are required under rule 15(3) (a). Full powers in the case of all CE/SEs in the deptt of officers up to S.E's rank in his office including non-gazetted staff. Full Powers in the case of E.Es and A.Es under his control and non-gazetted staff in his office. Full powers in respect of non gazetted staff in his office and offices subordinate to him. - - M.P. Irrg Deptt order No 23-(C)/III/82/P/31, dt.8-11-82. -
21 Grant of advance from G.P.F for which special reasons are not required under rule 15(3)(b). Full powers in the case of SEs and CEs in the Deptt and all gazetted officers and non-gazetted officials in his office. Full powers in respect of gazetted and non gazetted staff in his office. Full powers in respect of E.Es and A Es in his circle and non gazetted staff in his office. Full powers in respect of non-gazetted staff in his officers subordinate to him. - M.P. Irrg Deptt order No 23-(C)/III/82/P/31, dt.8-11-82. -