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1.3.4 Cost Considerations

Finally from among the few selected options, the overall costs (capital and operating) have to be determined in order to arrive at the most optimum solution.

Capital costs include all initial costs incurred up to plant start up, such as:

  • - civil construction, equipment supply and erection costs
  • - land purchase costs including legal fees, if any
  • - engineering design and supervision charges
  • - interest charge on loan during construction period.


  • Operating costs after start up of plant include direct operating costs and fixed, such as:
  • amortisation and interest charges on capital borrowings
  • direct operation and maintenance costs on
  • staff
  • chemicals
  • fuel and electricity
  • transport
  • maintenance and repairs
  • insurance
  • overheads



Sewerage projects may be designed normally to meet the requirements over a thirty year period after their completion. The period between design and completion should also be taken into account which should be between three to six years depending on the type and size of the project.

The thirty year period may however be modified in regard to certain components of the project depending on their useful life or the facility for carrying out extensions when required and rate of interest, so that expenditure far ahead of its utilization is avoided. Necessary land for future expansion/duplication of components. should be acquired in beginning itself. Where expensive tunnels and large aqueducts are involved entailing large capital outlay for duplication, they may be designed for ultimate project requirements.

The project components may be designed to meet the periods mentioned in Table 1.1

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