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Arithmetical Increase Method

The method is generally applicable to large and old cities. In this method the average increase of population per decade is calculated from the past records and added to the present population to find out population in the next decade. This method gives a low value and is suitable for well settled and established communities.
Incremental Increase Method
In this method the increment in arithmetical increase is determined from the past decades and the average of that increment is added to the average increase. This method increases the figures obtained by the arithmetical increase method.
Geometrical Increase Method
In this method percentage increase is assumed to be the rate of growth and the average of the percentage increase is used to find out future increment in population. This method gives much higher value and is mostly applicable for growing towns and cities having vast scope for expansion.
Decreasing Rate of Growth
In this method it is assumed that rate of percentage increase decreases and the average decrease in the rate of growth is calculated. Then the percentage increase is modified by deducting the decrease in rate of growth. This method is applicable only in such cases where the rate of growth of population shows a downward trend.

Graphical Method

In this approach there are two methods. In one, only the city in question is considered and in the second. other similar cities are also taken into account.
  1. Graphical method based on single city
  1. In this method the population curve of the city (i.e. the population vs past decades)is smoothly extended for getting future value. This extension has to be done carefully and it requires vast experience and good judgement. The line of best fit may be obtained by the method of least squares.

  2. Graphical method based on cities with similar growth pattern
  • In this method the city in question is compared with other cities which have already undergone the same phases of development which the city in question is likely to undergo and based on this comparison, a graph between population and decades is plotted and extrapolated.
  • Logistic Method

    The Shaped logistic curve for any city gives complete trend of growth of the city right from beginning to saturation limit of population of the city. This method is applicable for very large cities with sufficient demographic data.

    Method of Density

    In the approach the trend in rate of density increase of population for each sector of a city, is found out and population forecast is done for each sector based on the above approach. Addition of sector wise population gives the population of the city.

    Final Forecast

    While the forecast of the prospective population of a projected area at any given time during the period of design can be derived by any one of the foregoing methods appropriate to each case, the density and distribution of such population within the several areas, zones or districts will again have to be made with a discerning judgement on the relative probabilities of expansion within each zone or district, according to its nature of development and based on existing and contemplated town planning regulations.

    Wherever population growth forecast or master plans prepared by town planning or other appropriate authorities are available, the decision regarding the design population should take their figures into account.

    Worked out examples for estimation of the future population by some of the methods are given in Appendix 1.

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